British Hairdresser of the Year Cos Sakkas has unveiled his latest collection, titled Luminescent. Cos is an inspiring and leading global figure in international hair, as the back to back reigning British Hairdresser of the Year, the current International Hairdresser of the Year and the Global Creative Director for salon juggernaut TONI&GUY.
The collection pairs modern editorial cuts and styles in primarily short crops, as complemented by bright, rainbow coloured fashion pieces. A unique take on a blunt bob, an original mohawk, wild curls and more define the collection stylistically.
“Colour pop, shape and texture sit at the heart of my Luminescent collection – it doesn’t shy away from experimentation, embracing the alter ego to sculpt hairstyles that embody the spirit of individuality,” Cos said.
Cos’ styling and editorial artistry is accompanied by colour by Francesco Fontana, makeup by Lans Nguyen-Grealis, styling by Borna Prikaski and photography by Jack Eames.
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